



glamglare goes SXSW

It is our favorite time of the year: the music festival SXSW when more than 2,200 acts travel to Austin Texas to play everywhere, from a corner in a bar to a concert hall. It is our third time, so we expect it to be a charm! If you want[…]

#3IsABand – 16 Must See Trios at SXSW 2016

In my #3IsABand series, I feature bands whose music excites me and who are comprised of exactly three band members. In my preparation for SXSW 2016 I came across several dozens of really cool trios, who I’d like to feature at a later time. For now, I boiled my long[…]

SONG PICK: The Hubbards – Cold Cut

“I’m a sucker for you” sing The Hubbards on “Cold Cut”, the beautifully catchy single release for their upcoming EP. Well, what can I say, I am a sucker for UK indie rock, and The Hubbards create the perfect mix of  pleasant pop and intriguingly smart and well crafted alt rock. Listen to “Cold Cut”,[…]

VIDEO: Francine Thirteen – Lady Mary, The Lord and Spark

Since FKA twigs’ brand of audiovisual experimentation has moved closer to the mainstream, there is room for something new: Francine Thirteen tackles the topic of female archetypes in a new EP due later this year. The video “Lady Mary, The Lord and Spark” is full of symbolism and feels more[…]

NEW EP: The Naked Eye EP

Music has the unique ability to transport you through space and time and “The Naked Eye EP”, the debut of the eponymous project around the London-based singer Frenchie, is particularly good at that. I close my eyes and find myself at a sophisticated garden party, on the early evening in[…]

SONG PICK: Morly – If Only Chords

“If Only Chords” is a beautiful slow-burning and intense track built just from vocals and minimal electronic textures. I don’t know much about Morly, but she is playing SXSW next week and has a spot on my must-see list. There is also an EP coming out on April 8th.

LATE NIGHT: Vokes – Value

Whenever I hear music from LA, I have the image of a car rushing down a light-filled boulevard through the night in my mind. I know, it’s a Hollywood cliché, but a good one and a slow-burning electro-pop track like “Value” producer Vokes could be well the soundtrack from the[…]

SONG PICK: No Hot Ashes – Goose

“Goose” is the debut single by UK quartet No Hot Ashes. Upon listening to “Goose”, enjoying the clear guitar sounds, followed by funky bass lines and an overall super groovy feel, I got fully ‘sold’ on “Goose” when Isaac starts singing. Can’t help loving a Manchester dialect, with No Hot Ashes originating from Stockport, roughly six miles away[…]